Necklace Size Chart

First, decide how you'd like your necklace to sit; Close Fit, Medium or Loose.

Close Fit: 400mm - 450mm This size is a popular option for those wanting a high-sitting necklace that will be visible above a shirt's neckline. This length better suits thinner styles, pearls and chokers.

Medium: 500 - 550mm This size is popular for its comfortable fit for everyday wear. This length allows the necklace to sit naturally around the neck falling properly on the collarbone. This length can be worn inside or outside the shirt.

Loose: 600mm + This size is is ideal for those looking for a loose hanging necklace. This lengths works better with thicker gauges of and would be the length of choice when featuring a larger pendant.


If you need further assistance to decide what size would be best for you send an enquiry to